• Successes

    With FLSA Claims & Comparable State Law Wage & Hour & Meal/Rest Break Claims, Putting Work in Up Front Is the Recipe for Success

    Like many employers, our clients have had to weather class and collective action claims asserted under federal wage and hour laws and related state law claims with potential exposure in the millions of dollars. In the past few years alone, we’ve represented clients with such claims in Michigan, Tennessee, Texas, California and Florida, with the common thread that in each such case, tremendous value resulted from interviewing and securing sworn testimony from a substantial sample of potential class members to determine the work they actually performed as compared to the allegations asserted by the Plaintiffs’ lawyers. In each scenario, we were able to use the information in court to defeat the class claims, or we used the information to effectively dissuade plaintiffs’ counsels from pursuing a class- based claim. The net result was a successful and early disposition of what would otherwise be a tedious and expensive litigation.

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